
Waterford and Dungarvan












St. Patrick's church


Waterford Video's









The McGuire family that are left in Ireland live in Dungarvan and in much the same area of Waterford that the Welsh McGuire's ancestors lived. In Spring Garden Alley lives Jimmy McGuire

 Its with great sadness that Jimmy McGuire died on November 1, 2003 and was buried with his wife May on November 5, 2003. Click  HERE  to go to his obituary

but in the last few years he has lost his wife May, his brother Jeremiah and  his brother John  who lived in Dungarvan. Some many years ago he also lost his sister MaryTom, Jimmy's other brother also lives Waterford as well Tom's son Billy and his family.

Jimmy's parents were James McGuire and Mary Anne Kennedy. James was born on April 8, 1884 and Mary Anne in 1894.  James parents were Jeremiah McGuire and Elizabeth Brien and at the time of James birth they were living in Bailey New Street, Waterford.

Tom McGuire, brother of Jimmy died suddenly at his home in Waterford on August 26, 2004 and now Sean McGuire their nephew collapsed and was put on a life support machine and died after the machine was turned off on February 22, 2005.

In three years, three male members of the McGuire's have died in Waterford



Click on images.



James baptism registration         James and Thomas                 James memorial card       






Views of Spring Garden Alley






The Comeragh Hills are alive with the sound of McGuire's

